Asciak & Pecotic Land Gold in Men’s Doubles


Malta’s Matthew Asciak and Matija Pecotic defeated Cypriots Sergis Kyratzis and Eleftherios Neos in straight sets (6-1, 6-4) to ensure that Malta swept the titles in the Men’s categories.

Team Malta Races to the Lead

The Maltese duo opened the match with Matija Pecotic on serve and looked pumped up and ready to go as they held their opening match comfortably. They then immediately forced a break on Neos’ serve as Asciak delivered a winning shot down the line. The two extended the lead in the next service game on Asciak’s serve. Though Team Cyprus eyed a breakpoint, they erased it by going long and then yielded the decider point by returning into the net.

Despite falling to a 3-0 deficit, the Cypriots got on the scoreboard on Kyratzis’ serve. However, Malta’s duo cruised to a hold to love in their next match, before securing a double break as Team Cyprus’s smash was off target. At 5-1 and with Asciak on serve, the match went to deuce as multiple volleys were exchanged at the net. However, Pecotic smashed home the set in the deciding point to close it 6-1.

A Tighter Second Set

The Cypriots opened the set strongly with a hold to love on Kyratzis’ serve. However, the Maltese duo followed in a similar emphatic fashion to draw out the game. In fact, both teams held their serve for the first four games of the match. However, Malta’s duo secured the break just before the change of ends. Having three break points on hand initially, an error at the net allowed the Cypriots to cancel one. However, then a miscued volley off Neos’ racket handed the break.

The two sides held serve for the next four games and at 5-4 it was up to Matija Pecotic to serve to close the match. Asciak delivered a smash at 40-30 to earn Team Malta their first match point, as his father, Gordon Asciak, rallied the crowd, while the Cypriots took aim at the umpire. Under pressure to deliver the title, Matija Pecotic double-faulted his serve pushing the game to a deciding point. However, with match point two in hand, Pecotic regained composure and delivered a bullet serve which the Cypriots could only blast into the net.

Absolute scenes of elation ensued as Asciak’s father, Gordon, flung off from the stands to hug the duo, at the joy of seeing the team complete the double in men’s categories as well as seeing his son emulate both his and mother Helen Asciak’s success at the Games. The court was flooded with spectators wanting to get a photo with the winners and a few autographs too, while congratulating the tennis family.

Photo: Leonard Cocks

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Sport has been a part of Eleanor's life literally since she was born which coincided with the football European Cup Final between the Czech Republic and Germany. She had a brief spell playing in a women's football team, but over time swapped the boots for the pen. Besides football, she also enjoys dissecting tennis and Formula 1.

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